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War and judgment against the    Watchers and Nephilim

A villager’s story on the arrival of Watchers and Nephilim on Earth

Cain’s child named Enoch had a great-grandson named Methuselah. Noah called him Methuselah but others knew him as Menahem. He is known for having the longest life of any human on earth. After Enoch lived 365 years God brought him up to Heaven before he died. Methuselah’s son Lamech married Betenos and their first son was Noah. Lamech did not keep God’s ways. He became the first person mentioned in the Bible that had two wives named Adah and Zillah.

Enoch’s name means intelligent or learned. Methuselah asked Enoch about the half angel/half human children. Enoch replied the Earth would soon have judgment.  God would allow a great catastrophe to occur because the human race was very tainted with these half angel/half human beings. Those beings not tainted were so corrupt this situation could not be corrected. The few remaining believers meanwhile cried out to Heaven. With Enoch gone an angel explained to Noah God’s plan and escape from the Flood. 

Enoch’s instructions from God to the Watchers and Nephilim

As corruption and violence became the norm God the elect archangels Michael, Uriel and Gabriel entered the throne room in Heaven. They reported to God that the whole earth had become filled with blood and unrighteousness including cannibalism. Because of their wicked deeds and spilled blood God sent the three archangels to Earth, each given a different job.


God always protects a remnant of believers at locations throughout the earth to be a witness to others. Few believers existed at that time most in the land of Seth. He sent Uriel to Noah to inform him God would soon destroy the world by a flood. Instructions how to prepare for this disaster, save himself and his family were given. Noah was the only righteous human God saw on earth at that time deserving to be saved.


God told the archangel, Gabriel, to fight against the Watcher’s offspring. To do so Gabriel created strife and war between the giants to buy time for the ark to be built. They entered into deadly conflicts with each other killing many. Sweeping down the archangel Michael grabbed Shemhazai and took him to a place to overlooking a battlefield. In the foothills of Canaan Nephalim adults and children began battling against each other. Michael pointed toward different people in battle.

  “You know who they are?”

He made Shemhazai watch each of his children in battle. As Shemhazai wept he saw his Nephilim children kill each other. After the battle Michael told him God would kill his remaining sons in a worldwide Flood. Then Michael bound Shemhazai’s ankles and wrists, flew him to the lowest place in Hell. There in Tartarus, among fire and constant torments, they remain forever.


God told the elect angel Raphael to find and wrap Azazel in chains then take him to the Dudael Desert. After finding the deep pit lined with sharp stones he was flown down to Tartarus. Other elect angels flew down from heaven and bound the other Watchers. God had ended their time on earth. The 200 Watchers remain in total darkness in Tartarus until the time comes to be taken and put in an individual pit then chained forever near the lowest area of the Lake of Fire. God’s goal at this time on Earth is to wipe out the entire race of Nephilim. So engrossed and enjoying their sins humans were almost beyond the point of turning to God. Soon only Nephilim would live on earth. 

God begins judgment on Nephilim 

Ancient texts tell that a human man called Tubal-Cain had a sister named Naamah. In Genesis Tubal-Cain was known as one who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron. Enticed with the glow, body and words of the Watchers, she mated with Shamdon creating a half angel/human named Asmodeus. As this boy grew up he was a giant, shameless in his ways. Some of the Watchers introduced him to bestiality. Sinfulness became the norm in the land of Cain. Writings show that men and women acted sinful throughout the day many walking around nude. As this became the norm among the descendants of Cain God inflicted them with diseases and at time famines.

It is also told of a fallen angel named Shemhazai who saw a maiden named Istehar. They fell in love. If she would give herself to him he would teach her the Ineffable Name. Using this name and knowledge she could raise herself up to heaven for eternity instead of eventually dying. Legend said she went up to a cluster of stars, but that certainly is not biblical. Being a nonbeliever in God and not following His ways she would be taken to Hades immediately after death, remaining in darkness until the Great White Throne Judgment.  

Legends from ancient texts about half-human/ half-angel children

Each of the two hundred Watchers began teaching forbidden angel knowledge. Humans became enchanted spreading this knowledge throughout the villages.

The earthly women had great difficulty delivering babies after mating with the angels. Each huge baby weighed twenty to thirty pounds at birth. Growing faster then normal children, these Nephilim (half angel/ half human) reached a height of seven to ten foot within fifteen years. Even thought the angles could help harvest vegetables and fruits at a faster rate they only desired the taste of meat especially that not cooked, dripping with fresh warm blood. Each kid had voracious feeding needs like their father consuming four whole chickens in just one meal. There was no magic that angels possessed that could grow animals faster.

Angry of the loss of their wives and meat consumed, the human men in this village demanded the Watchers and Nephilim leave.

“We will need to hunt,” one angel said. “There is plenty of meat running around.”

“With what, our fists and gardening sticks?”

“There is something in those mountains that will greatly help you,” Shemhazai said.

All the men and boys went to the jagged mountains near the highest mountain called Paradise. The Watchers and Nephilim carried downhill basket loads of glistening rocks. Back at the village in newly dug pits filled with flames the rocks melted. The dough-like rocks were pounded and shaped into spears and swords. Back to the fields they went to hunt. After a week of hunting wild animals it still was not enough to eat.

“We need to hunt in the fields of your neighbors. There is much running about, plenty for all,” Azazel said.

“Many are distant relatives. They will be mad and hate us,” a villager replied.

“Do not fear. You will carry swords and wear a metal breastplate for protection. No one can defeat you. Let’s get the equipment made now.”

When the farmers saw more wildlife and then domestic animals being killed on their lands and wrapped for transport they came at them us with sticks and stones. Nephilim overwhelmed the humans in battle. Those fortunate to be saved were bound. Slavery became introduced into human history as young boys, girls and women were taken captive. Now more ladies were available to mate with the growing appetite of the Watchers and Nephilim.

After a while, Nephilim children spread throughout the Canaanite lands. One village could not assume victory over another in battle until they knew how many Nephilim lived there and were battle ready. 

My right arm throbbed using a jawbone tied to a pole to weed a potato field.  Crops abundantly grew year in this constant warm, moist climate only needing to be harvested and reseeded. Before sunset I walked back to the village with Laiota.  Most who remained in the village weaved, cleaned robes with too many spots or ripped, prepared food, cooked or built and repaired new dwellings. A sense of anticipation covered their face with an evening of dancing, singing and telling stories. I felt safe here as crime tended to be limited to stealing and infrequent murders. Outside of a rare person being stoned to death from murder, few died by accidents or old age as storms, earthquakes, freezing weather and hot periods of drought were unknown.  We lived near a high hill east of Paradise being a descendant of Cain.

One late morning while weeding a field of vegetables several hundred beings of light descended, landing on a hilltop nearby. As their wings faded from sight they walked toward the pickers and planters in an adjacent field. Never have seen people arriving this way we walked their way. 

“Greetings, can we join you picking those globes?” one asked. After exchanging warm greetings each man stood several feet higher than any of us.


Never have I seen such giant men with large, muscular arms and handsome bronze tinted faces. Each being picked three to four times the tomatoes as humans could, even though some men in the field had picked for several hundred years. Not only could they pick at a frantic pace, each could carry several hundred pounds of tomatoes in large baskets resting on each side of their shoulder.

Eyes of the villagers widened as they walked down the street carrying their load. Ladies nearby composed the largest smiles. These men wandered around the village helping those with needs. We became amazed with their knowledge and strength.

Part of the beings stayed behind to help the women with their chores after a week. Ladies kept commenting on the bright sparkle in their eyes that seemed to glow.

With the helping hand of Azazel they washed clothes quickly. He reached out and touched her cheek. He had never touched a woman before. Soon they mated but after that Azazel never had a glow in his face or eyes but his size and strength remained.

After completing dinner the Canaanite men told stories around a campfire. Mostly it concerned animals they saw and stories created when each was alone. 

One Watcher named Shemhazai asked, “Have you tasted the leaves of this weed boiled in water after adding a broth from the cabanal root?”

“Why no,” someone responded.

As people became hallucinated and drowsy by this unknown drink Azazel told about the great angel Lucifer, about powers we could have by the mixing of roots, magic from crystals, and teaching from the stars and planets.

“Lucifer has taught us much knowledge and magical powers I see you don’t know. Would you like this knowledge?”

worst angels before biblical flood of Noah
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